How to Customize Layout and WordPress Options
Tired of the same old look and feature? Old is gold, but keeping the same look for a few years can be boring, right? Your WP Theme plays an important part in your Blog`s success, therefore you need to make sure that it according to your visitor`s expectations. Below are some pointers to help you out, have a look at them!
- Structure of Theme: Before you start, you should understand the structure of the theme and the way it works. If you choose to go with the default theme folder (WP-content/themes/default), here you will see a number of PHP Files better known as template file and the style.css file.
- When you are looking at the front page, the WordPress uses a number of template files to generate the page. For instance, when you are seeing the front page, you are actually seeing the inde.php, header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php. In easy words, all of these files, generate into a final look and create the content on your first page.
The central part of any WordPress theme is header, footer, content and a sidebar. All these divide the heart of structure between different blogs called the template files are known as the followings.
- Header: As you can conclude from the name, this is the structure which sits on the top of a webpage. The Header contains the website`s title logo, menu and other content. It can be easily found within the header.php file.
- Footer: this has the information at the bottom of a web page along with other content which depends on the website`s theme design. Footer can be found within the Footer.php template file.
- Sidebar: this can be found either on right or left or even both. This can be found in the Sidebar.php file.
- Content: This holds the WordPress loop which can dictate generation of content on the web page. It widely depends on the request of the user. Basically, this is for the front page of a theme as it utilizes the index.php file. But for teams with unique functions, it needs to be combined with other templates with featured.php for specific areas.
- Theme-Custom File Editor: The Custom File Editor which is available within the WP admin panel. It allows user to make changes within the Custom.css without the need of an external text editor or even the FTP program. If you are not into it, then you can upload a new custom.css from your hard drive via upload field from top of panel. Most of your changes will be saved to Custom.css.
- Appearance Editor: By opening this you will see the list of codes inside your website`s appearance. Mostly, people use this to customize the PHP codes, but with this, you can also personalize the default CSS style from the theme`s style.css.
- Redirect WordPress Feed to FeedBurner
- Always show featured images in your Feed
- Add a logo to the login page