How to create Gifs for your Blog Posts?

If you haven`t been in an African cave for the past years then you probably have seen an animated GIF, right? The Gif is an image which allows you to feature it with animated images. These animated images make the GIF look like its moving. Do you know what`s the best thing about these GIF? They are not as hard to create as you think. I am going to walk you through easy steps for how to create GIF to add to your blog posts. Follow these easy 12 steps precisely and make a Gif for your blog!

how to make gifs for blog post

Step 1: If you have some images already created then, gather them in a separate folder. Now upload them into Photoshop (Recommendation), for this click `File` then `Scripts`, `Load files into Shack and last but least go to `Browse` and select the images you want to add into your GIF and click `OK`.

  • Important: Now Photoshop will create separate layer for each and every image you have chosen, once you are done, skip step two and proceed directly to step 3!

Step 2: (Optional, See Important Above): if you don`t already posses the files you need for you Gif then, you need to create each frame of Animated Gif as different Photoshop Layer.

Step 3: In the given version of Photoshop, Go to `Window` in Top Navigation bar and select `Timeline`. The Timeline window will now appear at bottom of screen.

Step 4: In Time window, Select `Create a Frame Animation`.

Step 5: Now select all layers then, click the Menu Icon on right of Timeline Screen. A Dropdown menu will open. Select ` Create a New Layer for Each New Frame`.

Step 6: Open the same menu icon on right and select `Make Frames from Layers`. Each layer is now a frame of your GIF.

Step 7: Under Each Frame, you need to choose how long it should appear before changing to the next frame.

Step 8: At the end of Toolbar, choose how many times you like the frame to loop. Select `Other` if you want to specify a custom number of repetitions of your GIF.

Step 9: It`s time to Preview your GIF, simply press the play button and watch the show!

Step 10: Feeling happy with your creation? It`s time to save so you can use it later. Now select `File` then `save for Web`.

Step 11: It`s time to select what type of GIF you want to save it under `Preset` dropdown. If your GIF has gradients, you need to select the `dithered` GIFs. The number next to a GIF determines how large and precise the GIF`s colors will be as compared to JPEGs and PNGs.

Step 12: Select `Save` to save the GIF to your hard drive. Good News! You are now ready to upload the recently created GIF for marketing. Upload your GIF into your place online you want to put an image. Remember your GIF should play seamlessly or otherwise it won`t be worth it!