Learn How To Write A Killer About Us Page Instantly
We all the importance of an about us page on a website, do we? The problem is, most people don`t where to start when writing one. Below are a few guidelines for an ideal about us page. Go for them and make sure that your about us is boosting your business.
Facts are better than Hype!
We all know that About Us Page is a must for every website, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind while writing one! Never say the same things that already have been mentioned on your Homepage. A long and detailed history summary will scare off your visitors. All you have to do is find a good middle ground to lay your site on. Think of your about page as a resume use for jobs which will toot your own horns! Avoid being pushy and steer some force fed hype. Instead, you should provide your visitors with a straightforward set of facts.
Add a Social Proof on the About Us Page
Social proof is the evidence which proves what you are saying about yourself. This is the most powerful motivator for your visitors. Don`t forget to add an Awards/Achievements section in your about us, this perfectly mentions your past. In addition, you should also include some interesting facts which reflect well on your website. If you have ever been featured in a Magazine, Newspaper or any other publication, there`s no better place to show it if than your very own About Us page.
Make yourself Interesting
Does your website have an interesting name? Tell everyone, it`s just history and what your name means today! People no longer do the charity work! Therefore, you need to give some a handsome reason why they should stop at your website at all! Do you care for an interesting habit? Mention it, but in clear words, don’t try to mumble with some synonyms. Synonyms mostly create difficulty as users don`t understand them much. So try to keep it simple!
Tell everyone your Value
An ideal About Us page is more than just a corporate resume. It describes what you are! You need to explain your values and why your services/products are important to you. If there`s a charitable component in your business, there`s no place to mention it than the About Us page. Try to describe how gratifying it can be to run a business which has room for charity. Mentioning such things will help people understand who you are and what do you do!
Don’t forget to forge a Connection
People are always looking forward to connect with others. This is easy to forget when you are writing the about us page or even a resume. Considering the amazing success of social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and others, the social networks make an important colossal collection in any page. As you are writing the about us page, consider forging a connection with your reader.