10 Tips to Design an Attractive and Relevant Logo

Looking forward to start your own company? What`s the most important thing to do? Create your image! Keeping that in mind, there`s no easier way to be more recognizable than having a good logo. Following tips will make sure that your logo has it all!

tips for logo designing

1. Easy to remember

Only a memorable logo is an effective logo. This can only be achieved by keeping the design simple yet appropriate. Subject of a log is important, but the appropriateness of content doesn`t play an important role. The purpose of a logo design should be clear, distinctive and clear.

2. Always Be Appropriate

The position of your logo should be appropriate for the targeted audience. A logo shouldn`t only speak what the company wants it to. Restaurant logos don`t show food and furniture logos don`t show furniture. Only because it`s relevant, shouldn`t mean you try harder. Just be open minded when creating one.

3. Simpler is better

Simple means easy to recognize, memorable and versatility! Great logs always carry something totally unique or unexpected without overdoing it. Sophisticated and condensed identity always catches the customer`s eye whether on crowded shelves are used for advertisement. The base of effective branding is simple visual swoosh!

4. Versatility is important

For an effective logo, working through a bunch of media and other applications is important. Looking forward, a logo should always be done in vector format to make sure they scale to any size. Make sure your logo is effective if printed only in one color, reverse color, the size of a postage stamp and even as large as a billboard.

5. Try being Timeless

In order to be effective, Timelessness is must. Before you finalize a design, ask yourself. Will it stay put to the test of time. Can it be affective in the upcoming 10 or 100 years or not? Leave the trends behind, they come and go. Longevity is the key. Never follow the pack, have the courage to stand out.

6. Disconnect Icons and Text

It`s important for a log to feature a graphical treatment of its company name. The best way is, having different elements as distinct pieces of art. This way you can easily use the text and icon respectively. Combining both text and icons make a logo stand out.

7. Essence and Theme

A logo should portray the essence of its company. Are you a whimsical company or a serious one?  You need to understand the particular industry theme before you can count on the designer`s experience and set of skills. For this, you need to do a bit research in your field of work.

8. Leave an instant impact

Fresh logos don`t have the luxury of being in the clients eyes for long. You have merely a few seconds to grab your customer`s attention. If it means decipher or needs to elaborate, there a slight change it will communicate the essence of your company. So make it count!

9. Make your own statement

Surprising, but today people are asking similar logos as their competitors. This is nothing new, we all have been witnessing spoofs dating back to the 1900`s when Coca Cola and Macdonald`s first came to existence. In order to be successful, make your own statement. Always try something different.

10. Don’t Change

Why Coca Cola and Pepsi are one of the leading brands. They have successfully kept their logos for at least 60 years. No doubt a few modifications have been made over the course of time, but they are still recognizable and similar as compared to their day one logo. The point is, never completely change your logo! Just make small kinks, but not too often.