How to Sort Unnatural Links and Get Ranked Back Again

Is your website affected from bad links? Are you having trouble finding these bad backlinks or don`t know how to sort unnatural links? There is nothing worse than some bad links dragging down your search rank. Therefore, I have come with the complete guide to help you fight off this problem. So fasten your seat belts!

how to Sort Unnatural Links

How to Find Low Quality Backlinks?

How can you find out low quality links? Here are some examples of low quality backlinks to help you out.

  • Site Wide
  • Originating from New Domains
  • Rooting from websites with low traffic
  • Coming from identical C Class websites
  • Comes from pages with lots of external links
  • Are from PR-N/A and PRO websites

If you notice one any of these in your backlink profile, better get rid of them!

How to get rid of Bad Links?

Everyone from SEO experts to Webmasters are writing on sites and forums. Therefore, it`s confusing what to do with a suspicious link pointing towards your website. Is Google going to discount or would disavowing them will work the magic? Should you expect a warning or not! Here are a few options for you!

1. Leave the affected website

In the past when bloggers were affected with new updates, change was the best option. But if you are working as SEO consultant then, you don`t have a choice! You can`t start a new website but your client can. In addition of starting a new website, they can also hire a new SEO consultant and leave you. It’s a tricky question if a website can be justified in question or is brand new. As long as you didn`t invested into it.  In case you did, you need careful evaluation for how to recover.

Apart from that, you also should realize the cost of starting a new. Don`t leave your website, ditch a few backlinks. While you are at it, start something on the side. If you website has recovered from penalty, you will then have two SERP states to run. It is possible that Google will change its term in future. You will see more examples of how bad links can affect a website. So learn from it! You need to win what you have now and make the best use of it!

2. Use Link Disavow Tool

Before you start, remember never to use Google Link Disavow Tool before you try to get rid of bad links by other ways. People depend widely on this tool. This is why Google has a warning right next to disavow button. Another risk is if you are slammed by algorithm and you just disavow some links (without the evidence of trying to do it). You can receive another penalty from Google as there are rumors about disavow link request.

3. Request Link Removal

Find the Webmaster`s contact and ask him to remove the links you put to his website. This can be daunting and SEO experts outsource it on online classifieds. If you are not getting a reply or not satisfied, you can use a link management tool. Try to find a tool that comes with built in email client. This way, you will easily control who to mail for which links.

4. 404 the Link Pages

To save time, some people try to remove the bad link pages instead of the links. Surprisingly, this works only if a bad link page is converted to a 404 or 410 page. This way, the links to such webpage are not considered by Google. But, there are some drawbacks of it. They are as following:

  • You can`t bear to remove the link page if it`s your homepage or was ranked before in search results.
  • 404 and 410 doesn`t make a search engine friendly website structure.